Hi All

Welcome to my blog, as most of you know I was diagnosed with Bone Marrow Cancer in July 2008, after 6 months of treatment with Chemo and Steroids my cancer has reduced tremendously, I have now had a stem cell transplant which will keep the cancer dormant for longer, my stem cell treatment started on January 5th with Chemo and I had the transplant in March. I am now home but having to take life very slowly while my cells build up, I will be back to hospital several times over the next few months for blood tests and treatment.
Please feel free to pass this address to anyone and to add comments and join in to help keep me sane (or is it too late for that).
Thanks to all at Royal Liverpool Hospital who have made this year possible, and to all the staff who have worked so hard to eventually harvest the cells and the wonderful staff on the transplant unit, A special thanks to Jamie who is as daft as me when I need humour but an absolutely fantastic support from day one (shame he and most of the staff support LFC but I can't hold that against them).

Ivan 07957361356

1 April 2009

Busy Morning

I have had a very busy morning, I walked to the shower (2 Metres), got dressed, sat down and slept, just been woken for lunch.
Its like a bad attack of flu without being flu. (if you understand that you have done very well)


  1. Hi Ivan

    My name is Andrea I work in the same office as Avril I know you don`t have a clue who I am but I just wanted to say I am really glad things are going well and hope that continues. I am now well informed about stem cell transplants as before I knew nothing. I think your blog is fantastic and you seem very up beat which can only help with your recovery take care

  2. Thanks Andrea

    It is an eye opener isn't it. it does me good to know the support Averil is getting too, she is so strong and a great support.

    Keep checking the blog

  3. Hi mate,just wait,the wallnut whip will start to come into its own any day now.Good to see ur doing ok ,keith,ttfn

  4. Bren and Vic01 April, 2009

    Hi Ivan. Glad to see things are progressing as expected and that you're still up (beat that is). Hoping to get to visit you but things keep conspiring against it. Fingers crossed we'll make it next week. Take care.

  5. From tiny acorns...
    ...as they say...
    ...baby steps get you there in the end!

  6. Thanks Peter
    All going to plan, the staff are happy so that will do for me.
    Lookng forward to having a chat with you. (you know where I am)
    Enjoy your meal tonight.
