Hi All

Welcome to my blog, as most of you know I was diagnosed with Bone Marrow Cancer in July 2008, after 6 months of treatment with Chemo and Steroids my cancer has reduced tremendously, I have now had a stem cell transplant which will keep the cancer dormant for longer, my stem cell treatment started on January 5th with Chemo and I had the transplant in March. I am now home but having to take life very slowly while my cells build up, I will be back to hospital several times over the next few months for blood tests and treatment.
Please feel free to pass this address to anyone and to add comments and join in to help keep me sane (or is it too late for that).
Thanks to all at Royal Liverpool Hospital who have made this year possible, and to all the staff who have worked so hard to eventually harvest the cells and the wonderful staff on the transplant unit, A special thanks to Jamie who is as daft as me when I need humour but an absolutely fantastic support from day one (shame he and most of the staff support LFC but I can't hold that against them).

Ivan 07957361356

27 March 2009

Days in and chocolate vote. (day 5/1)

Its about 7.00am on hospital day 5, in hospital speak its day 1 because its day 1 after transplant so for blog speak I will be calling it day 5/1 and so on for future days. (simple)
As the F1 season starts I see that the race on the chocolate vote is getting close as at the time of writing 3 chocolates are all in poll with 8 votes. You can change your vote at any time if you find you feel your vote might be better used on a different chocolate as we enter this final 2 weeks, I see that most of you bloggers are girls, how can I tell? "YORKIE IS NOT FOR GIRLS " and only has one vote. (you can tell that I am feeling fine this morning, if I was feeling off colour I don't think I would be doing chocolate talk at 7.00am).
Have a good day all, I think I will have a day in today and wait round for some more stem cells.


  1. Hi Ivan..............sorry, just putting the last item on my shopping list - 1 x Yorkie!!!!! There, all done.

    How's the appetite? You sound like you are feeling more upbeat this morning so I hope you are also feeling like eating. Will they really do anything you feel like?

    You may be interested to know that 'staying in' is this year's 'going out'. How trendy are you?

    All the best for today.

  2. The food is good, this isn't standard hospital food, its M and S or Tesco Best so no problem, the unit has its own food budget and is cooked or heated on the unit.
    Glad to see Yorkie on your list.

    Cheers the trend setter.

    Averil just phoned, she is off today and coming in later but not sure what time, I will have to stay in all day.
    Avi Jess and Fran are going to see Riverdance tonight (keep those feet still Di) so that will be great for them.

  3. Hi Ivan Can tell you that Yorkie is definitely for girls. Anyway staying in is defintely the new going out. You could always do an Irish Jig around your room today.

  4. Hi Ivan Glad to see you are still yourself and everything is going well. I've just put my vote in for the chocolate maltesers have got to win there worst than nuts once you start you just cant stop. Please dont take that the rude way! Let the girls know I went to see riverdance last night and it was fantastic if driving there are parking signs opposite the theatre which is a little walk for £5 but there is also a NCP just after. Take care Andrea, dave & Mollyanna x

  5. Hi mate,Keith here,spent yesterday laying 30sqm of wood flooring.Ducking and diving the showers all day,still beats saying "take the next road on the left....",if you know what i mean ha ha.Still can't decide on what chocolate to go for.If i had it my way i would go for the chocolate laminate still very resonably priced considering the ecconomic climate,hee hee.
    Hope you are doin fine matey,

  6. Cheers Keith, ( for very good value wood and laminate floors fitted with a smile for a good price and a morrisons pie call Kieth on 07778048278)
    thanks for blogging.

  7. Diane, I can just picture those elephants in the African Bush. Works for me too!!!!!!!!
