Hi All

Welcome to my blog, as most of you know I was diagnosed with Bone Marrow Cancer in July 2008, after 6 months of treatment with Chemo and Steroids my cancer has reduced tremendously, I have now had a stem cell transplant which will keep the cancer dormant for longer, my stem cell treatment started on January 5th with Chemo and I had the transplant in March. I am now home but having to take life very slowly while my cells build up, I will be back to hospital several times over the next few months for blood tests and treatment.
Please feel free to pass this address to anyone and to add comments and join in to help keep me sane (or is it too late for that).
Thanks to all at Royal Liverpool Hospital who have made this year possible, and to all the staff who have worked so hard to eventually harvest the cells and the wonderful staff on the transplant unit, A special thanks to Jamie who is as daft as me when I need humour but an absolutely fantastic support from day one (shame he and most of the staff support LFC but I can't hold that against them).

Ivan 07957361356

13 March 2009

Have a heart

It's official, I have seen it working, I had the echocardiogram, ECG and respiratory tests this morning. It was interesting seeing and hearing my heart working, apparently it's working well. The respiratory test was hard just as GP Runner had warned me, if the man doing the test had just said blow so hard until it feels as though your eyes are popping out and you go light headed and feel as though you are going to faint I would have got it right first time. The tests seem to have gone ok, I am now just waiting for confirmation and a date.


  1. You weren't so faint that you couldn't blow kisses at unsuspecting drivers! If I'm honest, I didn't know it was you I was letting out at the roundabout, it was only when the driver put his window down and blew kisses that I realised my mistake. Still got everything crossed, not easy when you're driving:)

  2. And I thought you were just being nice!!!!!!! Yeh right!!!! Have you noticed that there have been more comments on the chocolate blog than on any of the previous blogs, now what does that tell you????? I probably don't want to know.

  3. It's strange isn't it? My aunty once asked me why we turn to chocolate in times of stress (or in my case, all the time) and my answer was "because it never lets you down". You know it is going to do exactly what you expect it to, no conditions, no expectations, nothing. Just sheer unadulterated bliss.............and back to reality! sorry, got a bit carried away then. But you know it's true. Kate will understand.

  4. Ha! Ha! I concur with Diane !!! I could follow that and finish the sentence - but this is a family show!!! Im off to eat a very large bar of choco - cadbury's caramel actuallyXXXXXXX Kate

  5. Your voting poll is a fix - it wont let me vote!!!! its a bit like a phone in on the tv!!!!!!!!!! Kate

  6. Glad the tests went smoothly. Now we all wait with bated breath...
    ...which is where the chocolate supplies come in handy...!
