Where do I start, Diane has been a great friend for many years, I can't remember a time leaving Diane without a smile on my face and I am sure any of you that didn't know Diane but have read her blog comments will know what I mean.
Di has been a fantastic support to me since I was diagnosed with cancer in July 2008, since then we have supported each other. Diane could truly say to me "Been There, Done That" and when people say "I know how you are feeling" Diane did.
If you want a smile have a look back at my blog and see some of Diane's comments.
In July Diane completed the Cancer Research race for life, her sponsor page made over £1000 towards cancer research, this was Diane all over, doing something for others.
On Saturday evening I went to see Diane with Fr Tom and Frances, Diane was unconsious but comfy and looked very peaceful.
My Blog has been a great support to me but now with my best blogger no longer with us it seems a suitable time to close my blog and the right way to pay my respects to my friend. Thanks Diane and thanks to all who have looked at my blog or contributed.
I will leave you with a quote from Diane:-
You and your bloggers are true friends and I thank you so much for sharing your support with me. As you know it is the expectations of others that help you to be positive. Thanks again, Diane xxx
(Please feel free to leave comments on this page as I will keep checking it and will pass any messages on.)
Rest In Peace my friend.